Movie Morgue Wiki

Pete Dinsmore (played by Neil Flynn) is a minor character from the TV series Smallville. First appearing in the Season 2 episode "Accelerate", he created a clone of his deceased daughter Emily who had drowned in a river when she was six years old. He used kryptonite to fuel the cloning process and accelerate it, and in doing so created a clone of Emily that possessed the superhuman ability to move at high speeds, even to the point of being able to phase through solid matter. The clone suffered severe genetic defects, as well; Emily had no sense of right or wrong and would also age at an accelerated rate. At one point, when she became frustrated with her father, she ran him through with a lawn ornament. He recovered and Emily was taken into LuthorCorp custody, but Dinsmore was not permitted to continue working with her.


In the Season 3 episode "Forsaken", Emily, now having matured to adolescence over 11 months of confinement, escaped from the LuthorCorp lab. Lionel Luthor allowed Pete to track her down and he visited the Talon, suspecting that Emily would seek out her childhood friend Lana Lang. Pete tried to warn Lana about Emily, but Emily appeared behind him and used her kinetic phasing power to impale him through the back with her bare hand.
